Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Bring Titan To Life

Bring Titan To Life Watch now !!!



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  2. Hey guys. I know you're really pushing for this to be the next Star Trek TV series, but there are three major problems you're going to have to tackle before it happens. None of which are money.
    1) You need to find a way to make it fit into the rebooted universe.
    2) You need good writers who know the star trek universe well.
    3) You need to get filming and writing rights to Star Trek to produce the series for mass media.

    One of the reasons why CBS and Paramount, the current copyright owners have already stated that they don't want a TV series for awhile until the third film comes out that is part of the series. So as to not cause any issues or confusion between the films and any new TV series. Moreover, the new series, which ever is licensed would have to fit into the new rebooted universe.

    Now I can help you with the first two. I'm a big Star Trek fan, I'm well versed in the universe and I so happen to be a screenwriter.

    The third one on the other hand, I can't help you with. But, there is nothing that says you can't do webisodes or full episodes and have them online. Producing an episode or two and presenting it might get you more attention and if you can produce a strong pilot episode with a good story you might get the production rights.

    In other words, youtube animated videos of the USS Titan aren't going to cut it. You need something more exciting and more attention grabbing. A trailer explaining the story, maybe a Sector 31 based story, since what the Titan is exactly up to in Nemesis isn't clear.

    In any case, if you want my help let me know.
    Ld. Kristoffer Martin

    1. Actually they can use the previously established continuity. They don't need to make them fit the reboot. The MMO already established a continuity that is outside the reboot and using the idea of the Titan you could make a TV Series that dove tails nicely into that.

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    3. Except that, it is up to CBS/Paramount as to which continuity they must fit. And they've already said that it must meet the new rebooted universe. Further, the MMORPG Star Trek Online is fit in the new universe, and it isn't technically canon.

    4. As just about any serious Trekkie knows, the "reboot" idea is very contentious, and I am just one of a very large group of fans who absolutely loathes the idea of a fragmented Trek, where a new series might take place in the 25th century or so but all or most of the events of Star Trek: TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, and VOY plus ten films simply "never happened."

      As a serious Star Trek Online player, might I point out to you that the game takes place in the Prime Universe. It is affected by events from the first Abrams film that occurred in that timeline; for instance, Romulus WAS destroyed but Vulcan remains. It would be possible to have a new show set in the Prime Universe that is affected, like STO, by Prime Universe aspects of the Abrams films--if CBS would permit it.

    5. One: STO is not canon even according to it's creators. It is a hybrid prime and new universe. So it cannot be a basis for the new series.
      Two: The TNG period wouldn't inherently be different. DS9 and Voyager would have happened just as they did. It is only early history that would be changed in any new series. The war with the Klingons would have happened and continued rather than being stopped by the Khitomer Accord. Vulcan being destroyed would have fewer Vulcans, but primary characters wouldn't have changed.

      I think that working in the rebooted universe isn't that hard, it's just remembering that the new history is prevalent over the old history. That doesn't mean the movies wouldn't occur. Once the events that changes the TOS Reboot history the events thereafter would still have occurred. TOS might have happened exactly as it did as it takes place in the 5 year mission, not the events prior to it which is what makes up the three movies of the Reboot.

      Any new TV series would just have to account for the historical differences, including the exposure of Section 31. I think a new series could explore the creation of the Time Agency and Section 31 and that could very well be the basis for the ST: Titan tv series.

    6. I'd also argue that the new series could take advantage of the rebooted universe. With New Remus versus the Tal Shiar an entirely new set of storylines could be created that don't rely on old tropes from TNG/DS9/Voyager. Setting up any new series in the Rebooted Universe would give a great deal of leeway and novelty to the series, which a new series would need to be a success.

    7. You're wrong about STO. It is not some kind of hybrid, it takes place in the prime universe. All of the content added to the game is 100% vetted and approved by CBS. Why would CBS demand pre-approval if it wasn't canon? Not sure where you're getting your info about STO but it's not true. It takes place 30 years after the destruction of Romulus as seen in the 2009 Star Trek movie.

  3. 1) You need to find a way to make it fit into the rebooted universe.

    Easy. Have it start out in a rebooted universe.

    Have Starfleet's Temporal Department tell Riker and his crew that the timeline had been altered and his ship was once the flagstone of Federation-Romulan Diplomacy.

    Send the Titan back in time to bring back Nero and prevent the destruction of the USS Kelvin in 2233.

    Timeline solved.

  4. There is no need to make it fit any reboot. Just keep a sense of HUMOR! A lot of the fan production LAck it! Star Trek is funny and realistic because when people are stressed out they crack jokes! otherwise full steam ahead! :)

  5. @Mark Lieberg: Unfortunately that's not quite how temporal mechanics works in Star Trek. And if this is to be an official release for TV which is what they're wanting to do, it'd have to fit the goals of the current copyright holders, CBS and Paramount. Who have already stated they'd like any new TV series to be in the rebooted universe.

    I agree with the humor, but the unfortunately which continuity is to be followed is up to the current holders of the copyright, and as I've already stated the show would have to fit the new rebooted universe. Though, I can point out that it is still possible that all TNG events occurred as presented in the current universe, it is just history that was slightly changed. Remember that temporal changes from an incursion are decreased in over time and in distance from the epicenter of the initial change. But it would still have to exist in that alternate rebooted universe and ultimately historical canon would have to be changed.

  6. first one must establish whether it is a different universe, or the same one with an altered timeline....also an altered timeline would in fact create it's own universe leaving the original one completely intact since it is on the other side of a singularity....similar, yet different seems to be the way the new series is going....so why not keep the original universe going as well....it's only logical

    1. Not inherently so; there are several theories to temporal changes that exist, and many have been used in contradiction to each other in TNG and other scifi series.

      I reference to the time change used in Eureka as a basis for the rebooted universe. Temporal changes in Eureka Season 4-5 were limited to the interactions with Eureka and overall decreased exponentially the further away from the epicenter of the change you got. Therefore, arguably, they're the same universe with slight changes and is already part of established alternate reality that existed in TNG with the Yesterday's Enterprise. Where, if you'll recall, a temporal anomaly allowed the Enterprise-C to emerge and that changed reality to an alternate universe where Tasha Yar was still alive and the Federation was at war with the Klingons.

      Arguably, the events of the rebooted universe wouldn't necessarily change future events, as they take place prior to the 5 year mission. The only major differences would be the destruction of Vulcan and the civil war between New Romulus and the Romulan Federation versus the Tal-Shiar and the potential Klingon War. All other events throughout the universe would by and large remain the same.

  7. The problem is, CBS is hell bent on making the new TV show the new 5 year mission off the last 2 movies with the new Enterprise. As good as they where, they really put a fork in the road for the entire timeline of ST. Abrams needs to be slapped for what he did for the series. I mean the only way to undo it is another movie which would be admitting that they messed up, which they won't do cause it be basically tossing money out the window. Problem is most if not all the new directors in LA are all young morons who don't know how to make movies. Due to legal reasons I cannot talk about which movie I had a sneak preview of, but needless to say I ripped the movie apart and basically told them I wouldn't pay to see it in theaters because of the lack of direction and writing. The actors where very good though, but it was quite obvious the directors are just 2 idiot brothers going to mess everything up.

    I think ST Titian would be the next logical step. Bring Jonathan Franks back and Michel Dorn back. Riker as captain and Worf as #1. That would set up the next series as work being captain on a Klingon ship in a following series.

  8. While I agree with Tom, I still say there is merit to writing the Titan series in the new rebooted universe. Especially with the potential of a Klingon War and allies with New Romulus and the liberated Romulans who survived the destruction of their planet. I think A reboot of TOS on the other hand should be avoided at all possible. This is purely because I doubt the current cast would be interested in actually participating in a TV series.

  9. Sorry STO is from the ORIGINAL timeline.. Says it right on the website wiki. Their ship is from the original timeline too.. Just sayin...

  10. Where as the new timeline goes, the new one is awesome. To be a true fan of Startrek , you have to embrace all possibilities. That is what the show teaches us. J.J. Abrams did a great job with what he did. To say different, in my opinion, would show a lack in one's fandom of the franchise and what it means to be trekkie.

  11. Titan should be what Gene saw as a possible future of space exploration by humans and our friends to better ourselves and not just be yet another good guy v bad guy.

    I love ST and I like the reboot but it’s become just a tool to make money instead to explore the possibilities of what could be which Star Trek at its core is all about or should be!

    Titan should be a mix of TNG/VOY fantasy, DS9/BSG grit and realism together with science fact and theory to expand not only our dreams but also make us strive for those dreams to become reality. So many electronic do-dads that we take for granted today where on our ST screen 20/30/40 years before they became reality.. Science theory is always explored in TV Trek that’s where TiTan should be going… If you have read the books it’s a great place to start…

  12. in addition the last st TV series wasn't all that bad but to name the show ENTERPRISE dilutes the name Enterprise together with Kirk and Picard. ST Enterprise would of been a better and longer running show had it been called something else... Explorer, Endevour, Pioneer? TiTan can learn from that and build on the past mistakes.

    My point is prime timeline gives you a legacy and foundation which really shouldn't be messed with unlike to reboot which is blank. I know that this could mean that you could do what you want but the films might go on for a while so TV would be a LONG way off. However cross overs or mirror universe eps would be great to be set in the reboot verse!

    I would also love to see the cast of the TiTan book series on the screen... amazing!
